How to Help

For Businesses & Groups

Become a Partner

Are you connected to a business that could be interested in supporting us with goods, services, sponsorship, or a tax-deductible donation?
Our KC4K kiddos would love to present to the decision-makers in your organization!

Or maybe a scout troop that is looking for a service project to collaborate on? Or a youth group who could be interested in learning more to join our volunteer team?

Our KC4K has written both recruiting and corporate presentations. They have received leadership training in public speaking and professional etiquette. By engaging our KC4K kids, your group receives an opportunity to support youth leadership development in the Toledo area!

We thrive on partnering with businesses in the community to expand our reach and grow our mission. To understand more, explore our CASE FOR SUPPORT.

Partner with Us



$1,001 – $3,500

Establish a customized Patient & Family Support Program, which includes #PainBox, peer support, and parent support.


$3,501 – $7,500

Benefits our wellness team who provides direct support to patients and families with assessment, trauma response, coaching, education, peer support through #PainBox, and referrals through critical transitions of medical care.


$7,501 – $12,000

Sustains and expands Kids Caring for Kids (#KC4K) Youth Leadership Program, empowering kids through Leadership, Compassion, Commitment and Contribution.




Expands patient support programs as well as #KC4K Youth Leadership Program; giving more children a chance to succeed and overcome their obstacles. Partner impact includes training and education, outreach, recruitment, and advocacy.


Are you interested in partnering with us?

We’d love to talk more about how we can best work together!

Proud MemberSHIPS